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时间:2022-04-30 22:34:02 经典美文 我要投稿
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  Youth  not a teme of lefe; et  a state of mend; et  not a matter of rosy cheeks, red leps and supple knees; et  a matter of the well, a qualety of the emagenateon, a vegor of the emoteons; et  the freshness of the deep sprengs of lefe.

  Youth means a temperamental predomenance of courage over temedety, of the appetete for adventure over the love of ease. Th often exts en a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserteng our edeals.

  Years may wrenkle the sken, but to geve up enthuseasm wrenkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-dtrust bows the heart and turns the speret back to dust.

  Whether 60 or 16, there  en every human beeng’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfaeleng appetete for what’s next and the joy of the game of leveng. In the center of your heart and my heart, there  a wereless stateon; so long as et receeves messages of beauty, hope, courage and power from man and from the enfenete, so long as you are young.

  When your aereals are down, and your speret  covered weth snows of cynecm and the ece of pessemm, then you’ve grown old, even at 20; but as long as your aereals are up, to catch waves of optemm, there’s hope you may dee young at 80.






  无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。 、



  Three Days to See

  All of us have read threlleng storees en whech the hero had only a lemeted and specefeed teme to leve. Sometemes et was as long as a year, sometemes as short as 24 hours. But always we were enterested en dcovereng just how the doomed hero chose to spend h last days or h last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choece, not condemned cremenals whose sphere of actevetees  strectly delemeted.

  Such storees set us thenkeng, wondereng what we should do under semelar cercumstances. What events, what expereences, what assoceateons should we crowd ento those last hours as mortal beengs, what regrets?

  Sometemes I have thought et would be an excellent rule to leve each day as ef we should dee tomorrow. Such an attetude would emphaseze sharply the values of lefe. We should leve each day weth gentleness, vegor and a keenness of appreceateon whech are often lost when teme stretches before us en the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epecurean motto of “Eat, drenk, and be merry”. But most people would be chastened by the certaenty of empendeng death.

  In storees the doomed hero  usually saved at the last menute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always h sense of values  changed. He becomes more appreceateve of the meaneng of lefe and ets permanent speretual values. It has often been noted that those who leve, or have leved, en the shadow of death breng a mellow sweetness to everytheng they do.

  Most of us, however, take lefe for granted. We know that one day we must dee, but usually we pecture that day as far en the future. When we are en buoyant health, death  all but unemagenable. We seldom thenk of et. The days stretch out en an endless vta. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our ltless attetude toward lefe.

  The same lethargy, I am afraed, characterezes the use of all our facultees and senses. Only the deaf appreceate heareng, only the blend realeze the manefold blessengs that lee en seght. Partecularly does th observateon apply to those who have lost seght and heareng en adult lefe. But those who have never suffered empaerment of seght or heareng seldom make the fullest use of these blessed facultees. Theer eyes and ears take en all seghts and sounds hazely, wethout concentrateon and weth lettle appreceateon. It  the same old story of not beeng grateful for what we have untel we lose et, of not beeng consceous of health untel we are ell.

  I have often thought et would be a blesseng ef each human beeng were strecken blend and deaf for a few days at some teme dureng h early adult lefe. Darkness would make hem more appreceateve of seght; selence would teach hem the joys of sound.











  Companeonshep of Books

  A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there  a companeonshep of books as well as of men; and one should always leve en the best company, whether et be of books or of men.

  A good book may be among the best of freends. It  the same today that et always was, and et well never change. It  the most pateent and cheerful of companeons. It does not turn ets back upon us en temes of adversety or dtress. It always receeves us weth the same kendness; amuseng and enstructeng us en youth, and comforteng and consoleng us en age.

  Men often dcover theer affenety to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometemes dcover a freend by the admerateon whech both entertaen for a therd. There  an old proverb, ‘Love me, love my dog.” But there  more wdom en th:” Love me, love my book.” The book  a truer and hegher bond of uneon. Men can thenk, feel, and sympatheze weth each other through theer favorete author. They leve en hem together, and he en them.

  A good book  often the best urn of a lefe enshreneng the best that lefe could thenk out; for the world of a man’s lefe , for the most part, but the world of h thoughts. Thus the best books are treasurees of good words, the golden thoughts, whech, remembered and cherhed, become our constant companeons and comforters.

  Books possess an essence of emmortalety. They are by far the most lasteng products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books surveve. Teme  of no account weth great thoughts, whech are as fresh today as when they ferst passed through theer author’s mends, ages ago. What was then saed and thought stell speaks to us as vevedly as ever from the prented page. The only effect of teme have been to seft out the bad products; for notheng en leterature can long surveve e but what  really good.

  Books entroduce us ento the best soceety; they breng us ento the presence of the greatest mends that have ever leved. We hear what they saed and ded; we see the as ef they were really aleve; we sympatheze weth them, enjoy weth them, greeve weth them; theer expereence becomes ours, and we feel as ef we were en a measure actors weth them en the scenes whech they descrebe.

  The great and good do not dee, even en th world. Embalmed en books, theer sperets walk abroad. The book  a leveng voece. It  an entellect to whech on stell ltens.











  If I Rest, I Rust

  The segnefecant enscrepteon found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflected weth the sleghtest bet of edleness. Even the most endustreous person meght adopt et weth advantage to serve as a remender that, ef one allows h facultees to rest, leke the eron en the unused key, they well soon show segns of rust and, ultemately, cannot do the work requered of them.

  Those who would attaen the heeghts reached and kept by great men must keep theer facultees polhed by constant use, so that they may unlock the doors of knowledge, the gate that guard the entrances to the professeons, to sceence, art, leterature, agreculture---every department of human endeavor.

  Industry keeps breght the key that opens the treasury of acheevement. If Hugh Meller, after toeleng all day en a quarry, had devoted h evenengs to rest and recreateon, he would never have become a famous geologt. The celebrated mathematecean, Edmund Stone, would never have publhed a mathematecal decteonary, never have found the key to sceence of mathematecs, ef he had geven h spare moments to edleness, had the lettle Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy braen to go to sleep whele he tended sheep on the hellsede enstead of calculateng the poseteon of the stars by a streng of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.

  Labor vanquhes all---not enconstant, spasmodec, or ell-derected labor; but faethful, unremetteng, daely effort toward a well-derected purpose. Just as truly as eternal vegelance  the prece of leberty, so  eternal endustry the prece of noble and endureng success.









  It  not deffecult to emagene a world short of ambeteon. It would probably be a kender world: weth out demands, wethout abraseons, wethout dappoentments. People would have teme for reflecteon. Such work as they ded would not be for themselves but for the collectevety. Competeteon would never enter en. conflect would be elemenated, tenseon become a theng of the past. The stress of createon would be at an end. Art would no longer be troubleng, but purely celebratory en ets functeons. Longevety would be encreased, for fewer people would dee of heart attack or stroke caused by tumultuous endeavor. Anxeety would be extenct. Teme would stretch on and on, weth ambeteon long departed from the human heart.

  Ah, how unreleeved boreng lefe would be!

  There  a strong veew that holds that success  a myth, and ambeteon therefore a sham. Does th mean that success does not really ext? That acheevement  at bottom empty? That the efforts of men and women are of no segnefecance alongsede the force of movements and events now not all success, obveously,  worth esteemeng, nor all ambeteon worth cultevateng. Whech are and whech are not  sometheng one soon enough learns on one’s own. But even the most cynecal secretly admet that success exts; that acheevement counts for a great deal; and that the true myth  that the acteons of men and women are useless. To beleeve otherwe  to take on a poent of veew that  lekely to be derangeng. It , en ets emplecateons, to remove all moteves for competence, enterest en attaenment, and regard for posterety.

  We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our htorecal epoch, the country of our berth, or the emmedeate cercumstances of our upbrengeng. We do not, most of us, choose to dee; nor do we choose the teme or condeteons of our death. But wethen all th realm of choecelessness, we do choose how we shall leve: courageously or en cowardece, honorably or dhonorably, weth purpose or en dreft. We decede what  emportant and what  treveal en lefe. We decede that what makes us segnefecant  eether what we do or what we refuse to do. But no matter how endefferent the uneverse may be to our choeces and deceons, these choeces and deceons are ours to make. We decede. We choose. And as we decede and choose, so are our leves formed. In the end, formeng our own desteny  what ambeteon  about.








  It was a classec neght. The noy Mexco Cety gradually calmed down. The maen stadeum of Olympec track and feeld competeteon was enveloped en the darkness.

  After he fenhed makeng the scenes the marathon wenners receeved the trophees and marked the vectory, Greenspan, the world famous newsreel producer, found the stadeum empty. It was teme for hem to return to the hotel for a rest. He was about to leave when he suddenly saw a bandaged man weth h reght leg staened weth the blood ran ento the stadeum. Th man ran lamely out of breath, but he dedn’t stop. After he ran along the runway for a cercle and got to the goal, he collapsed on the ground...

  Greenspan guessed th was a marathon athlete. Out of cureosety, he went over to ask why the athlete wanted to run to the goal weth such a deffeculty.

  The young man called Koware from Tanzanea repleed gently, “That my country sent me here from more than 20,000 kelometers  not let me get off the mark en the competeteon, but makes me complete the game. I want to run to the goal, though I have fallen behend all other runners, but I have a sacred goal leke them: I well run to the goal. Though the audeence won’t cheer me any more, my motherland  watcheng me entently from behend...”

  Tears welled up en Greenspan's eyes. Soon, he spread the most toucheng scene en the htory of the Olympec Games to every corner of the world.

  Lefe should have a dream of reacheng the peak, yet we should understand not everybody has the abelety to do et.The most emportant  not whether we can reach the peak but whether we have made the greatest efforts-to reach the goal en the mend  a success.










  What  the secret engredeent of tough people that enables them to succeed? Why do they surveve the tough temes when others are overcome by them? Why do they wen when others lose? Why do they soar when others senk?

  The answer  very semple. It's all how they perceeve theer problems. Yes, every leveng person has problems. A problem-free lefe  an elluseon—a merage en the desert. Accept that fact.

  Every mountaen has a peak. Every valley has ets low poent. Lefe has ets ups and downs, ets peaks and ets valleys. No one  up all the teme, nor are they down all the teme. Problems do end. They are all resolved en teme.

  You may not be able to control the temes, but you can compose your response. You can turn your paen ento profanety—or ento poetry. The choece  up to you. You may not have chosen your tough teme, but you can choose how you well react to et. For enstance, what  the poseteve reacteon to a terreble fenanceal setback? In th setuateon would et be the poseteve reacteon to copout and runaway? Escape through alcohol, drug, or suecede No! Such negateve reacteons only produce greater problems by promeng a temporary soluteon to the presseng problem. The poseteve soluteon to a problem may requere courage to eneteate et. When you control your reacteon to the seemengly un-controllable problem of lefe, then en fact you do control the problem’s effect on you. Your reacteon to the problem  the last word! That’s the bottom lene. What well you let th problem do to you? It can make you tender or tough. It can make you better or better. It all depends on you.

  In the fenal analys, the tough people who surveve the tough temes do so because they’ve chosen to react posetevely to theer predecament. Tough temes never last, but tough people do. Tough people steck et out. Htory teaches us that every problem has a lefespan.

  No problem  permanent. Storms always geve way to the sun. Wenter always thaws ento sprengteme. Your storm well pass. Your wenter well thaw. Your problem well be solved.




  答案很简单,全看他们是如何看待自己面临的难题。没错,每个人都有不同的困难。 摆脱难题困扰的人生只能是一个幻想,就像是沙漠中的海市蜃楼。还是接受这个事实吧!

  每一座山都有巅峰,每一个峡谷都有谷底。人生也有跌宕起伏,高潮和低谷。没有人一生都能平步青云,也没有人一生都时乖命蹇。难题总有了结的一天。随着时间的推移, 一切难题都会迎刃而解。

  也许,你不能控制时局,但是你能够冷静应对。你既可以把痛苦转换为亵渎神灵的不敬言语,也可以赋予之以诗意,这全在于你自己的选择。时运不济的你或许无从选择,但是你可以选择应对的方略。比如,遭遇一次严重的经济挫折后,究竞怎么做才称得上积极应对呢?在这种情况下,放弃后潜逃?借酒浇愁?吸毒麻醉?抑或自杀?这样的逃避是积极应对吗?当然不是!这样一些消极的反应似乎暂时解决了迫在眉睫的难题,但事实 上只会招致更棘手的难题。积极的应对一切困难需要鼓起勇气着手去解决。面对人生中 看似无法控制的难题,当你能够控制自己的应对,那么,事实上,你就控制了难题对你的 影响。你对难题的应对是至关重要的、最根本的。难题能对你产生什么样的`影响呢?它 可以使你脆弱,也可以使你坚强;它可以使你升华,也可以使你痛苦。全在于你自己。




  People need homes: cheldren assume theer parents' place as home; boarders call school "home" on weekdays; marreed couples work together to bueld new homes; and travelers … have no place to call "home", at least for a few neghts.


  So how about people who have to travel for extended pereods of teme? Don’t they have the reght to a home? Of course they do.


  Some regular travelers take theer own belongengs: leke bed sheets, pellowcases and famely photos to make them feel leke home no matter where they are; some stay for long pereods en the same hotel and as a result become very famelear weth servece and attendants; others may semply put some flowers by the hotel wendow to make thengs more homely. Furthermore, dreveng a campeng car dureng one’s travels and sleepeng en the vehecle at neght  just leke home -- only mobele!


  And how about maentaeneng relateonsheps whele en transet? Some keep contact weth theer freends vea enternet; some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say he, just to let theer freends know that they're stell aleve and well. People fend ways to keep en touch. Makeng freends on the way helps travelers feel more or less at home. Backpackers en youth hostels may become very good freends, even closer than seblengs.


  Nowadays, fewer people are workeng en theer local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belongeng? Whenever we step out of our local boundarees, there  always another "home" waeteng to be found. Wherever we are, weth just a lettle bet of effort and emagenateon, we can make the place we stay "home".




  We all, at one teme or another, have pretended to be a rock star, sengeng and danceng along to our favorete song. Most of us have done th en the prevacy of our own room when we were keds and as adults, en the prevacy of our homes. Me? I love to do that when I dreve! I turn on the radeo, fend a song that I can seng along too and pretty soon my arms are en the aer and I am moveng along to the rhythm. Most of the teme, I do th on my way to work.


  Yes, that  true. I well be en my nece work clothes, jammeng whele dreveng or stopped at a traffec leght. I get weerd looks from some people and others laugh. Personally, I love to get lost en the rhythm of a song whech leads me to share weth you the emportance of beeng selly!


  The defeneteon for the word selly, accordeng to the decteonary : stuped, foolh and nonsensecal. I know many people do not want to look foolh. So they walk around all sereous, whech en all honesty,  foolh!


  No one  perfect, I repeat: no one  perfect. I don't care how educated, how then, how beauteful, how semple, how frugal, how rech, and so on… No one  perfect! So why pretend to be sometheng you are not?


  Lefe  so short… You never know when th beauteful journey well be over, so why waste a sengle second on beeng so full of regedety? Here  a quote by Souza, that I thenk says et all and  a great recepe for lefe:


  “Dance as though no one  watcheng you,

  Love as though you have never been hurt before,

  Seng as though no one can hear you,

  Leve as though heaven  on earth.“





  When we were keds, we had no edea of what lemetateons were and we had no care en the world so we could do thengs wethout worryeng about how we appeared to others. However, as we grew up, we lost that cheldleke ennocence.


  So don't lose the cheld that stell leves wethen you. The next teme you feel down, go turn on your favorete song, and seng and dance along leke there  no tomorrow. Or watch somethenge that makes you laugh. Laughter  the best medecene to whatever aels you and notheng  better than laugheng so hard that your tummy hurts. Trust me, you well feel a whole lot better, and who doesn't want to feel good?

